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top source pp_readpars

result = pp_readpars(input [, numbers=numbers] [, key_case=key_case] [, nan=nan] [, infinity=infinity] [, input_is_strings=input_is_strings] [, comment_marker=comment_marker] [, value_separator=value_separator] [, comment_lines=comment_lines])

Parses a text file or a string array into a hash. The text is interpreted as lines containing key=value pairs, and can contain comments. Values can can be converted to integers or reals, if possible. Values are returned as a (possibly empty) hash, where all keys are strings.

The complement to this function is pp_writepars.


input in required

If input_is_strings is not set, this is a string with the name of a text file to read and parse. Otherwise, it is a string array, interpreted in the same way a file would be (each element corresponding to one file line).


numbers in optional default=1

Sets the type of conversion for values which are numbers, if any. If set to zero, no conversion is made (all values are returned as strings). If set to 1, values which are integers are returned as long64s, and values which are reals are returned as doubles.

key_case in optional default=0

If set to 1, keys are converted to all uppercase. If set to 2, keys are converted to all lowcase.

nan in optional default=1

Passed on to pp_isnumber. If set, NaNs (in several spellings) are accepted when testing if a value is a real number.

infinity in optional default=1

Passed on to pp_isnumber. If set, infinities (in several spellings) are accepted when testing if a value is a real number.

input_is_strings in optional default=0

If set, input is treated as a string array, where each element is a line to parse. Otherwise, input is treated as the name of a text file to read and parse.

comment_marker in optional default=#

The character to use to mark comments in the text to process. Anything in a line following this marker is ingored (even if it is escaped or inside quotes). If something different from deafult is given, it must be a valid regular expression (that is, especial regex characters must be escaped).

value_separator in optional

The character to use to separate keys from values. If anyhting other than default is used, it should be kept in mind that this is the separator given to strsplit. Thus it follows strsplit's rules.

comment_lines out optional

Provides a string array with all lines that were not put into the hash (comment lines, or lines that were not recognized as containing a valid key=value).


Make up some content to read, in the form of a string array:

example_string=['#some comments','a=1 #some other comments',' b = -9',"c = 'some string' #some more comments",'d=98.765d-6 #in some units'] foreach el,example_string do print,el ;#some comments ;a=1 #some other comments ; b = -9 ;c = 'some string' #some more comments ;d=98.765d-6 #in some units
Now parse it and chek the results:
pars=pp_readpars(example_string,/input_is_string) print,pars ;c: 'some string' ;a: 1 ;b: -9 ;d: 9.8765000e-05 foreach el,pars do help,el ;EL STRING = ''some string'' ;EL LONG64 = 1 ;EL LONG64 = -9 ;EL DOUBLE = 9.8765000e-05

Author information


Paulo Penteado (, Feb/2011

Other attributes


Support values as arrays. For now, the value array would be returned as a string, which could be parsed afterwards. Support returning comments from the same lines as values. For now, comments following values are discarded (comments in standalone lines, and lines not recognized are valid key=value, can be retrieved with comment_lines).




43 lines
Cyclomatic complexity:
Modified cyclomatic complexity:

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Modification date: Wed Jun 29 22:15:28 2016
Lines: 43
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