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Paulo Penteado (, Aug/2015


top source pp_drawsphericalpoly

pp_drawsphericalpoly, ilons, ilats, icolors [, _ref_extra=_ref_extra] [, rgb_table=rgb_table] [, cg=cg] [, graphics=graphics] [, itool=itool] [, direct=direct] [, maxlength=maxlength] [, nsegments=nsegments] [, polygon=polygon] [, x=x] [, y=y] [, connectivity=connectivity] [, fill=fill] [, stackmap=stackmap], original_image=original_image [, maxstack=maxstack], stacklist=stacklist [, stackcount=stackcount] [, verbose=verbose] [, do_stack=do_stack] [, weights=weights] [, stackweights=stackweights] [, stackindex=stackindex] [, pcount=pcount], no_fix_lon=no_fix_lon, map_structure=map_structure [, image_mapstr=image_mapstr] [, xsize=xsize] [, ysize=ysize] [, e_map=e_map], bmin=bmin, bmax=bmax, bnan=bnan, btop=btop

Draws polygons on a map, with the polygon sides resampled to a large number of vertices, so that the result resembles a spherical polygon (a polygon where the sides are great circle arcs). Polygons can be drawn on Coyote Graphics, iTools, Function Graphics or Direct Graphics. Se examples below. Makes use of pp_sphericalpath to calculate the polygonal approximation to the spherical polygon.


ilons in required

An array of longitudes for the vertices which are to be connected by a path made of great circles. Must be in degrees. Multiple polygons are supported in two different ways: 1) If all N polygons have the same number of vertices (M), lons can be given as a [M,N] array. 2) For arbitrary numbers of vertices, lons is given as a list, where each list element is an array of vertices for one polygon.

ilats in required

An array of latitudes for the vertices which are to be connected by a path made of great circles. Must be in degrees. Multiple polygons are supported in two different ways: 1) If all N polygons have the same number of vertices (M), lats can be given as a [M,N] array. 2) For arbitrary numbers of vertices, lons is given as a list, where each list element is an array of vertices for one polygon.

icolors in required

An array with the color to be used to draw/fill the polygons. If rgb_table is not given, this array is assumed to contain the colors in the system used by the kind of plotting selected: either a [3,M] array of color triplets, one triple per each of the M polygons, or a long integer array, with one long-integer-coded color for each of the M polygons. If rgb_table is given, then colors can be an array of any numerical type, and the polygon colors will be determined by mapping the values in colors to values in the 256-value colortable specified by rgb_table.


_ref_extra in out optional

Any extra arguments are passed to the polygon plotting routine: cgpolygon if cg is selected, ipolygon if itool is selected, polygon() if graphics is selected, or polyfill, if direct is selected.

rgb_table in optional

The color table to be used to map intensities into colors. This can be either a scalar, which will be used to select one of IDL's predefined colortables (0 is grayscale), or a [3,256] array of color triples, or a 256-element array of long integers.

cg in optional default=0

If set, plotting is made with Coyote Graphics' cgpolygon.

graphics in optional default=1

If set, plotting is made with IDL's Function Graphics' polygon().

itool in optional default=0

If set, plotting is made with IDL's iTools' ipolygon.

direct in optional default=0

If set, plotting is made with IDL's Direct Graphics' polyfill.

maxlength in optional

Passed on to pp_sphericalpath, determines the maximum length of the polygon sides used for plotting, in degrees.

nsegments in optional

Passed on to pp_sphericalpath, determines the number of segments to use for the polygon sides.

polygon out optional

If Function Graphics or iTools are being used for plotting, returns the polygon object created with them.

x out optional

If Function Graphics or iTools are being used for plotting, arrays of x and y points get created, one for each vertex of all polygons plotted. This keyword returns the x coordinates of the vertices created.

y out optional

If Function Graphics or iTools are being used for plotting, arrays of x and y points get created, one for each vertex of all polygons plotted. This keyword returns the y coordinates of the vertices created.

connectivity out optional

If Function Graphics or iTools are being used for plotting, arrays of x and y points get created, one for each vertex of all polygons plotted. This keyword returns the connectivity array which specifies which vertices belong to each polygon. See IDL's help on polygon() for more details.

fill in optional default=0.

If Coyote Graphics' cgpolygon is being used, this keyword determines if the polygons are drawn just as outlines, or should be filled (outlines and fills share the same colors).

stackmap out optional

if do_stack is turned on, this argument returns the stacked map generated. If the algorithm selected is do_stack=1, this will be an array of dimensions [maxstack,xsize,ysize], where [xsize,ysize] are the dimensions of the map created, and maxstack specifies the maximum number layers the map stack can have. At a given location [x,y] in the map, the values stackmap[*,x,y] are all the values present in icolors that fell onto that location on the map. The argument stackcount is often useful, as it records how many layers were stacked at each location in the map. This will probably be more clearly explained by the examples below.

maxstack in optional

Specifies the first dimension of the stackmap array, which is the maximum number of layers being tracked falling on each location on the map. If not set, it defaults to the number of polygons provided in ilons, ilats, icolors. If there are many polygons, it is probably wise to specify a smaller value for maxstack, to avoid using too much memory. Use stackcount to check that at no location in the map there were polygons missed because that location had more overlapping layers than could fit into stackmap: if stackcount is everywhere smaller than or equal to maxstack, no polygons were lost in stackmap.

stackcount out optional

if do_stack is turned on, this argument returns the count of stacked layers in the stackmap generated. At a given location [x,y] in the map, stackcount[x,y] is the number of polygons that fell on that map location (the number of layers in stackmap at that location). This will probably be more clearly explained by the examples below.

verbose in optional

do_stack in optional default=0

If set to 1, instead of drawing the polygons on the graphics device, a z-buffer will be used to draw polygons in an invisible direct graphics window, which are used to generate a map of where each polygon falls (stackmap). This will probably be more clearly explained by the examples below. Note that setting do_stack to a value higher than 1 is not the same as setting it to 1: other values turn on alternative stack algorithms, which at this time are still experimental and thus not yet documented.

weights in optional
stackweights out optional
stackindex out optional

If do_stack is turned on, this argument returns the an array similar to stackmap, but its values are the indices to of the polygons that fall on each location, instead of being the intensities (icolors).

pcount out optional

If do_stack is turned on, this argument returns the an array with the number of map pixels covered by each polygon.

image_mapstr out optional

If do_stack is set to 1, this argument will return the map structure created by map_set, which is used to define the map projection used to make stackmap.

xsize in optional default=640

If do_stack is set to 1, this specifies the width of the map to generate (see stackmap).

ysize in optional default=480

If do_stack is set to 1, this specifies the height of the map to generate (see stackmap).

e_map in optional

If do_stack is set to 1, set this argument to a structure containing any parameters to be passed to map_set, which is used to define the map projection used to make stackmap. This will probably be more clearly explained by the examples below.



First, let's create some data to plot:

;create several rectangles lons=dblarr(4,10) for i=0,9 do lons[*,i]=[-85d0,-65d0,-55d0,-75d0]+i*25d0 lats=dblarr(4,10) for i=0,9 do lats[*,i]=[-65d0,55d0,45d0,-75d0] ;set their colors colors=dindgen(10)
Now, plot the rectangles on a Graphics map:
m=map('mollweide') pp_drawsphericalpoly,lons,lats,colors,rgb_table=13,linestyle='none'

Plot the rectangles on an imap:

imap,map_projection='sinusoidal' pp_drawsphericalpoly,lons,lats,colors,rgb_table=13,linestyle='none',/itool

Plot the rectangles on a Coyote Graphics map:

m=cgmap('robinson',/erase,/isotropic,/window) cgmap_grid,map=m,/box,/addcmd cgloadct,13 pp_drawsphericalpoly,lons,lats,bytscl(colors),/cg,/fill,map=m,/addcmd

Plot the rectangles on a Direct Graphics map:

map_set,0d0,0d0,/cylindrical,/isotropic,/grid,/label pp_drawsphericalpoly,lons,lats,colors,rgb_table=13,/direct

Now, let's make some data that spans the tricky region around the pole:

;make up the coordinates for the coordinates of 3 rectangular fields of view near the north pole: lons=[[20d0,240d0,260d0,0d0],[80d0,180d0,200d0,60d0],[50d0,210d0,230d0,30d0]] lats=[[62d0,60d0,60d0,62d0],[62d0,60d0,60d0,62d0],[65d0,67d0,67d0,65d0]] ;make up some pixel values to determine the color used to fill the 3 rectangles pixvals=dindgen(3)
Create an imap to plot these polygons:
Draw the polygons:

Now, an example with overlapping polygons, making an overlap map and taking the mean of the values on overlap:

lats=[[62d0,60d0,60d0,62d0],[62d0,60d0,60d0,62d0],[70d0,72d0,72d0,70d0],[80d0,87d0,87d0,80d0]] lons=[[40d0,220d0,250d0,0d0],[80d0,180d0,200d0,60d0],[50d0,200d0,240d0,20d0],[70d0,70d0,95d0,95d0]] pixvals=[0d0,-1d0,-3d0,2d0]
First, take a look at the overlayed polygons:

Now, make the stack map:

pp_drawsphericalpoly,lons,lats,pixvals,rgb_table=13 limit=[-90,-180,90,180] e_map={cylindrical:1,noborder:1,xmargin:0,ymargin:0,limit:limit,isotropic:1} pp_drawsphericalpoly,lons,lats,pixvals,do_stack=1,stackc=stackc,e_map=e_map,xsize=3000,ysize=1500,maxstack=4,stackm=stackm
Look at the coverage map - an array where each value is the number of polygons that fell onto that place on the map:
im0=image(stackc,map_projection='equirectangular',grid_units=2,image_location=limit[[1,0]],image_dimensions=[limit[3]-limit[1],limit[2]-limit[0]],dimensions=[900,500],color='cyan',aspect_ratio=5.,limit=[30,-180,90,180]) im1=image(stackc,map_projection='orthographic',center_lat=30,grid_units=2,image_location=limit[[1,0]],image_dimensions=[limit[3]-limit[1],limit[2]-limit[0]],,dimensions=[900,500],color='cyan',rgb_table=13)

Make an average image from stackm, by taking then mean over the stack (first) dimension:

stackmean=mean(stackm,dimension=1,/nan) im2=image(stackmean,map_projection='orthographic',center_lat=90,grid_units=2,image_location=limit[[1,0]],image_dimensions=[limit[3]-limit[1],limit[2]-limit[0]],dimensions=[900,500],color='cyan',rgb_table=13)

Author information


Paulo Penteado (, Aug/2015

Other attributes


If Coyote Graphics are to be used, the Coyote Library needs to be installed.

Also needed are pp_sphericalpath, pp_longtocolortriple, pp_colortripletolong, and tessellateshapes_pp, from pp_lib).


94 lines
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Modification date: Wed Mar 7 17:08:26 2018
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