pro pp_dos2unix,file,inverse=inv ; ;+ ;pro pp_dos2unix,file,inv=inv ;Similar to the console application dos2unix, converts the newlines of a text file between ;CR+LF (Windows) and LF (Linux). ;file is a string with the file name, which gets overwritten ;If inverse is set, writes the file with CR+LF instead of just LF ;Written by Paulo Penteado (, Aug/2009 ;- ; inv=n_elements(inv) eq 1 ? inv : 0 ;default ;read the file into an array, which does not contain newlines nlines=file_lines(file) lines=strarr(nlines) openr,unit,file,/get_lun readf,unit,lines free_lun,unit ;add the proper newline to each line lines=inv ? lines+string(13B)+string(10B) : lines+string(10B) ;write the file, using unformatted write so that no newlines are created after each line openw,unit,file,/get_lun writeu,unit,lines free_lun,unit end